When it comes to pipework, there's a lot more than meets the eye.
At HDR, we believe that quality, innovation, and professionalism are key to ensuring that your workshop is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing.
We take great care to design the layout and function of the pipe runs, considering factors such as the type of product, distance, ambient temperatures, and volumes to be delivered. Our goal is to ensure that the right pipe sizes and pressure ratings are delivered, resulting in a smooth and efficient delivery system.
But we don't stop there. We are dedicated to providing pipework that is not only functional but also looks professional. Our technicians take pride in mounting pipes parallel and concentric to each other, creating a seamless and uniform look that enhances the overall aesthetic of the workshop.
At HDR, we have a wealth of experience installing kilometers of pipework each year, and we strive to incorporate the latest innovations in pipework design and installation. We are committed to providing a high-quality, reliable service, from the initial design to ongoing maintenance and repairs.
So whether you need one pipe or multiple runs of piping, you can trust HDR to deliver a pipework solution that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. With our focus on quality, innovation, and professionalism, you can be sure that your workshop will look and function at its best.